No matter what area of Salesforce you use, you can utilize Salesforce further than you might think to make your life easier and reveal statistics that may help you exceed in the future. Hopefully this guide will give you some insight on some areas you can explore a bit more. We were able to find some tips and hacks thanks to the threads on reditt.
Run Scheduled Jobs Faster
“This only effects developers, but working on scheduled jobs can be very frustrating to desk-check. To run it, you have to schedule it to run, wait a few minutes, check the results, unscheduled it, make your changes, repeat.
To get around that, open up any custom object that has an ownership field and scroll down towards the bottom. You’ll see a little used section for apex sharing recalculation. It’s supposed to be used for calculating permissions on that object, but you can tie any batch job to it
Salesforce Search in Chrome
“Save the Salesforce search box as a search engine in Chrome (right click the search box, choose save as search engine, change the keyword to sf). Then you can open a new tab, type sf and hit space, and you’ll be able to search inside salesforce from anywhere. You can set up a separate one for searching the sandbox as well.” Email Alerts
Use the admin widget to get to object-specific admin pages quickly. If you’re in a tab/list/detail page for an object, you’ll see a blue tab-handle-thing with an arrow on the right side of the page; click that to open the widget.
Create email alert triggers for certain events that your users do (like object creation or field changes) you want to keep tabs on.
Merging Accounts Merge more than 3 accounts at once: [Source]
Salesforce is a CRM systems that can truly help you with all your business and client needs that can be customized to achieve your business goals and needs. If you need any custom Salesforce development help please contact us here.